Monday 5 October 2015

Rudai 23. Thing 6: Reflective Practice

A couple of holidays and a busy start to the school year have meant that I have fallen behind a little (a lot actually).  I now intend to crack on again and do a bit of catching up and feel a good place to start is to look at other participants blogs.  I have been checking other peoples blogs for the duration of the course and I have benefited greatly from this.  If I'm honest, at the start, I was a bit nervous about publishing my work online, but reading others work allowed me to relax and get over those nerves (silly, I know).

One of the early tasks was to write about why/how you came to work in the information profession.  This was a great way to kick off the coarse as it was interesting to read about how other peoples journeys began.  I particularly enjoy enjoyed this post by 'thelivedinlibrarian' and this one by 'Penny Swan's About'. I'm sure there are other great stories I've missed, but I only read about a dozen or so of the blogs.

Even though I'm working quite slowly I am enjoying the coarse, I have discovered new things that I'm sure I will put into practice in the future and there is some exciting topics coming up so I look forward to working on those.


  1. Keep up the blogging Scott

    Mary #Rudai23Team

  2. Hi Scott
    Like you I find myself far behind in the course. It's encouraging actually that I'm not alone. I enjoyed reading your blog and in particular your honesty about being nervous about publishing online. Ditto. Best of luck with the rest of the course.

    1. Hi Eileen, hopefully we can catch up by the end of November... if not I will continue to work my way through the tasks.

      Good luck with the rest of the course!

  3. Hi Scott
    I too enjoyed reading about how other people came to work in the library profession. I was glad to read that some people came the long and winding road way like myself!. Hang on for me - will be playing catch too.

    1. Hi Catty, it's easy to fall behind, particularly in September, a busy time in the academic year. Like yourself my first library job was part time at a college library.

      Good luck with the rest of the course!
