Thursday, 26 November 2015

Rudai 23. Thing 18: Communicating Through Photographs

I first came across Flickr about 10 years ago (I think...), I was sharing images for a while but ceased to use the account as I preferred just to blog my photos and drawings.  My blog had more follows than my Flickr so it made sense to share things that way.  Since then I have mainly used Flickr as a viewer, I have an interest in old photo's, particularly from the 1960s and 1970s so there are a few Flickr accounts I keep my eye on.  I also attend my local Parkrun, they have a Flickr group which I view regularly.  Now my old account is up and running (no pun intended) I have joined the group proper.

As I mentioned I have an interest in old photographs so for the download part of the task I downloaded the picture below from the San Jose Library's Account. 

I made sure the image was shareable before downloading.  I was unaware of the Creative Commons search facility, very useful, I guess I'll learn more about it in the next 'Thing'...

I'd say that Instagram is the social media I currently use the most.  It is quick and easy, I find myself checking it regularly.  I follow a lot of bookish accounts including The British Library.  I did a search for my local libraries and discovered Deptford Lounge has an Instagram account which I am now following.  I also started to follow NYPL and  Fisher Library.  Below is a screenshot of a post and a  screenshot of a comment I made on one of Fisher Library's posts.

Both of these applications could be useful for my library, I find visuals the best form of promotion so photographing new stock and sharing it is a great way to inform students.  Flickr does seem more professional but I personally prefer Instagram.  It's an app that most students will already have so if I could encourage them to follow an LRC account I feel that'd be a great way to keep them informed of library news.

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